Criminal Judge Job Responsibilities

Criminal Judge Job Responsibilities

Criminal Judge Responsibilities

The role of a criminal court judge is to duly understand the features of the case and announce the most suitable verdict for the case. They have to keep themselves updated with all the relevant details of the case. And their main role lies in controlling the manner of the case.

They assist in providing criminal justice and sentencing the criminals on behalf of the crime committed.

Criminal Judge Job Responsibilities

  • Administer the offensive criminal cases.
  • Organize the selection of the jury.
  • Direct the jurors about their duties in the trial.
  • Control the trial and conduct it according to the terms of law.
  • See to the evidences that are produced in the court of law and concentrate on the legal issues of the evidence.
  • Decide on the verdict of the accused based on the trial path and evidences.
  • Decide on the sentence if the accused is found guilty of the charge.
  • Ensure that equal chances are given to all the parties involved in the case.
  • Highlight the strong and weak points of both the side.
  • Ensure that the sentence given will lessen the individual’s chances of repeating the crime.
  • They sentence a criminal to even death penalty.
  • Also they help determine the defendant’s liability in civil case.

Category: Legal Job Responsibilities