Tax Intern Job Responsibilities

Tax Intern Job Responsibilities

A tax intern is an individual who works under a senior professional to compile tax related reports. The tax intern could also be under the supervision of auditors who perform internal or external audits. The intern could work in guidance or just support the senior professionals. The intern oversees the tax filing reports to ensure that the tax that is reported is accurate.

Tax Intern Job Responsibilities:

  • The tax intern is responsible for maintaining tax related documents of a firm that has recruited the intern.
  • The tax intern is responsible to check that the systems in accounting compute accurately.
  • The tax intern is responsible to assist tax specialists in preparing accurate financial statements.
  • The tax intern is responsible to research updates in laws and fiscal that may directly or indirectly affect the company.
  • The tax intern is also responsible to understand the IRS guidelines that apply to the company.
  • The tax intern is responsible to file tax returns related to state or federal requirements and ensure that the treasurer makes an on time tax payment.
  • The intern also needs to review controls and procedures that are practiced in a company and verify that they are functional.
  • The tax intern is responsible in educating the employees about reporting the problems to the right person.
  • The tax interns are responsible for communicating with the clients and explain the transactions that are taxable.
  • The tax intern needs to research and portray liabilities and requirement for tax payment.
  • The recording and maintaining of transaction of clients is also another responsibility of the tax intern.
  • The other responsibilities of tax interns also include payroll accounting, reconciliation of accounts, and adjustment of journal entries, bank reconciliations and preparation of reports on a quarterly or annual basis.

Category: Transportation Job Responsibilities