Publishing Rights Manager Job Responsibilities

Publishing Rights Manager Job Responsibilities

A publishing rights manager has the responsibility to develop, oversee and supervise the publication rights of books to ensure that the publishing company is operating at maximum profit. The publishing rights manager job responsibilities include initiation of the sale of a new publication, arranging for new contracts and ensuring the publication is on schedule. This job involves communication with editors and other publishers.

Publishing Rights Manager Job Responsibilities

  • Possessing good management skills by managing both non- office freelancers and staff.
  • Liaising and communicating with publication teams, editors and production teams both face to face and electronically.
  • Negotiating for translation rights and rights for publications involving foreign edition, co-editions and updates.
  • Ensuring quality standards are met with and maintaining healthy and positive working condition with publishers.
  • Identifying publication opportunities and planning and initiating contract.
  • Using market information submitting ideas for more publications to the board of editors.
  • Attending major book related events like book fairs and opening ceremonies of a new publication to make new contacts for future publications.
  • Keeping records of publications and ensuring that departmental targets are met on time.
  • Overseeing the financial validity and viability of publication agreements.
  • Supervising invoices and monitoring all payments are made on time.
  • Undertaking negotiations with relevant people regarding complex agreements and contracts related to publications and legal issues associated with them.
  • Writing “pitch letters” to contacts for publication and to soft selling publications.
  • Developing links and communicating with overseas publishers.
  • Recalling whenever necessary, facts and detailed information related to publications.
  • Managing the publications in terms of deadlines, quality and cost and endeavoring to achieve the goal at minimum cost.
  • Being up to date with the market conditions by acquiring information on the works of other publishers and their popularity and devising new ideas for layout and pattern of publication.
  • Arranging for sale, maintaining sufficient stock and also arranging for reprinting books whenever necessary.

Category: Management Job Responsibilities